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The PI-Certification Office has issued the first certificates for satellites and tags for use in the om-lox Core Zone.
The PI-Certification Office has issued the first certificates for satellites and tags for use in the om-lox Core Zone.

Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun


With the availability of the new specification versions, the functionality of omlox has stabilized to the extent that PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International) is able to provide manufacturers with a solid testing platform for the development of omlox products. To ensure a high level of quality for products, quality assurance was established in accordance with PI’s high-quality standard and the first manufacturer-independent omlox test laboratory was already set up in late 2023. This was preceded by necessary steps such as the provision of testing methods, test specifications and test-ing tools for evaluating the level of product quality applied at the test laboratory. With this, the omlox community is following the tried-and-tested quality measures of PROFINET. 

The test laboratory has been provided with products featuring omlox functions for the purpose of conducting certification tests. As the initial products successfully passed the tests, the PI Certifica-tion Office was able to issue the first certificates for satellites and tags for use in the omlox Core Zone. 

To ensure cross-manufacturer interoperability and precision in the omlox Core Zone between the participants involved within an application, it is important that they are implemented in accord-ance with the standards and that corresponding proof of compatibility is available from the outset through suitable quality measures. Participants include localization infrastructure components in a building (so-called omlox satellites) and components whose sites are localized (so-called omlox tags). 

The establishment of quality assurance and issuance of the first certificates prove that omlox as a technology has become market ready for use in a broad range of applications where positioning in buildings increases the efficiency of application processes. 

03/09/2024PI_omlox_certificates_2024_09_03_en.docxdocx139 KB
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Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun
Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun
Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun
Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun
Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun
Certification of omlox Core Zone Products Has Begun