PI Training Center - PITC
Die 32 PI Training Center unterstützen Entwickler und Anwender darin, mehr über PROFIBUS und PROFINET zu erfahren und die Technologien zielführend einzusetzen. Aufgrund formalisierter Lernheiten können weltweit einheitliche Ausbildungsstandards etabliert und die Wissensbasis von Ingenieuren und Technikern in wichtigen Bereichen von PROFIBUS und PROFINET erweitert werden.
Ein abgestimmter Prozess zur internen Überprüfung der Training Center und deren Experten sichert die Qualität der Ausbildung und damit die der Engineering- und Aufbau-Dienstleistungen für PROFIBUS und PROFINET. Zudem folgen alle Trainingsangebote bestimmten Durchführungsstandards, die von zuständigen Gremien von PI überwacht und überprüft werden.
Nachfolgend finden Sie die in Deutschland zugelassenen Training Center.
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Unsere allgemeinen Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen im Zusammenhang mit PITC sind:
SU4/WG1: PI Training Center
Chairman: Peter Thomas (HMS Industrial Networks Ltd)
Phone: +44(0)1926 405599
Email: Peter.thomas(at)profinet.co(dot)uk
Deputy Chairman: Bert van der Linden (PHOENIX CONTACT B.V.)
Phone: +31 (0)316 59 18 58
Email: blinden(at)phoenixcontact(dot)nl
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Geert Leen
Wetenschapspark 27
3590 Diepenbeek
Phone: +32(0)11/18 03 90
Fax: /
Email: support(at)acro(dot)be
Web: www.acro.be
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
ACRO is a Research and project Group from the UCLL graduate school in the field of the automation and is certified PROFIBUS COMPETENCE CENTER.
ACRO services :
- Training about PLC, industrial networks (PROFIBUS, PROFINET), visualization
- Trouble shouting about PROFIBUS and PROFINET on site
- Control of new installations about PROFIBUS and PROFINET
- Projects about Industrial automation
- Building automation
Frederic Bahuaud
bat B, 1 rue de la Briaudière
37510 Ballan-Miré
Phone: +33 (0)2 47 76 10 20
Fax: +33 (0)2 47 37 95 54
Email: f.bahuaud(at)agilicom(dot)fr
Web: www.agilicom.fr
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
The services we offer are:
- Onsite audits and troubleshooting (PROFIBUS, PROFINET, industrial ETHERNET, WiFi networks)
- Industrial communication products (switches, gateways, repeaters, cables, connectors, diagnostic tools, wifi)
ASM Process Automation
Ali Magboul
Mahmud Al Hemsi, Abhur Al Junoobiyah, Villa no.1
21553 Jeddah
Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 504590156
Fax: NA
Email: a.magboul(at)asm(dot)net
Web: http://asm.net
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Availability of two Training Kits with a Master and five different PROFIBUS Modules. Certified Trainings will be held in Public venues such as hotels.
ATS Applied Tech Systems B.V.
Irmo Roelofs
Korenstraat 33
7722 RS Dalfsen
Phone: +31 529 438310
Fax: +31 529 438319
Email: irmo.roelofs(at)ats-global(dot)com
Web: www.ats-global.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
It’s not always easy to solve issues concerning industrial communication protocols and media. Should I use PROFIBUS or PROFINET? Why can’t system components from different suppliers communicate with each other? Where do the faults occur on my network? And how do I optimize my industrial network to our wishes for the future?
As an end user it can take a lot of time to fully investigate all possibilities and solutions. In order to help you with this, ATS has established the "Center of Expertise in Industrial Communication" (CoE-IC). As part of the CoE-IC, ATS is authorized PROFIBUS / PROFINET International Competence Center (PICC).
The goal of the CoE-IC is to centralize our expertise in industrial communication and related system knowledge. This allows ATS, as an independent solution provider, to share this knowledge efficiently with end users. Not only our knowledge at component level is important, but our knowledge and experience with multiple automation platforms, communication protocols and production processes in various industries are indispensable.
The ATS CoE-IC supports you with the several services. A free telephone advice helps you right away in most cases. If you need more help, one of our engineers can offer you support on location. We use a standard support rate for this. More examples of our services are trouble shooting, design support, support during commissioning, independent consultancy and certification of networks. You are also welcome to follow an official PI training course yourself at ATS Applied Tech Systems. -
Autex S.A.
Hernán Bertotto
Agapito Albert 155 - Mz 053 - Lote 10 - PILT
X5900 Villa Maria
Phone: +54 353 510 0614
Email: training(at)autex-open(dot)com
Web: www.autex-open.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
AUTEXOPEN is a company with more than 10 years in the automation market and as a first training and competence center in Argentina want to share our knowledge and expertise in fields networks and we want to bring to the companies and people who need to develop, improve or maintain their communication networks the best practices and tools to achieve this.
From our company we are leading the digitization of production processes
Fernando Conde
Ctra. Sant Cugat 63 B.
08191 Rubi
Phone: +34 93 5886767
Fax: +34 93 6974182
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
BOORST Engineering GmbH
Damien Berton
Nordring 32
67089 Ludwigshafen am Rhein
Phone: +49 6321 9520450
Email: damien.berton(at)boorst(dot)com
Web: www.boorst.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
C.S.M.T. Gestione S.c.a.r.l.
Pierfederico Cancarini
Via Branza 45
25123 Brescia
Phone: +39 030 6595111
Fax: +39 030 6595000
Email: p.cancarini(at)csmt(dot)it
Web: www.csmt.it
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
CSMT Gestione Scarl in synergy with the University of Brescia became the PICC (PROFIBUS and PROFINET International) in PROFIBUS and PROFINET technologies in 2004.
CSMT Gestione Scarl is also a Training Centre (PITC) authorized by PI since 2007 and can provide certified quality training on PROFIBUS and PROFINET technologies.
CTU in Prague
Pavel Burget
Karlovo nam. 13
121 35 Prague 2
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 224 357 610
Email: Pavel.Burget(at)cvut(dot)cz
Web: www.dce.fel.cvut.cz
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Available Experts:
- Pavel Burget
Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG
Michael Ulrich
Christoph Merian Ring 12
4153 Reinach
Phone: + 41 76 553 87 71
Fax: + 41 61 715 73 01
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Endress+Hauser Process Solutions bietet verschiedene Kurse zum Thema PROFIBUS und PROFINET in der Prozess Automatisierung an. Abstufungen im Detailierungsgrad nach Basic, Advanced und Professional bieten das massgeschneiderte Training fuer verschiedene Vorkenntnisse der Teilnehmer.
Weiterhin werden kundenspezifische Trainings nach Absprache angeboten.
Endress+Hauser Process Solutions offers different training possibilities for PROFIBUS and PROFINET in the process automation. Trainings as Basic, Advanced and Professional ensures that the participants with different knowledge levels can participate.
Additional tailor made trainings for customers can be done by request. -
Genoa Fieldbus Competence Centre s.r.l.
Alberto Sibono
Via Greto di Cornigliano 6R/38
16152 Genova
Phone: +39 010 86 02 580
Fax: +39 010 65 63 233
Email: alberto.sibono(at)gfcc(dot)it
Web: www.gfccitaly.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
HMS Industrial Networks AB
Kent Andersson
Stationsgatan 37
302 50 Halmstad
Phone: +46 (0)709 576187
Email: kean(at)hms(dot)se
Web: hms-networks.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
HMS Industrial Networks GmbH
Marco Freihöfer
Emmy- Noether- Str. 16
76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49-721-989-777-240
Email: mafre(at)hms-networks(dot)de
Web: www.hms-networks.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Training courses that cover the scope of PROCENTEC are organized at least 5 times per year in our office in Karlsruhe and on-site. For detailed information and dates please check our website www.procentec.de. -
HMS industrial Networks Ltd
Peter Thomas
Unit 2, Sovereign Court 1, Sir William Lyons Road
CV4 7EZ Coventry
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1926 405599
Email: peth(at)hms-networks(dot)com
Web: www.hms-networks.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
HMS Industrial Networks Ltd are part of the HMS AB group of companies who specialise in the development, manufacture and support of industrial network devices. These include embededed intefaces and gateways.
In Decemeber 2022, they purchased Control Specialists Ltd who, at that time were a PICC and a PITC. As part of the purchase, the PICC and PITC authorization of Control Specialists Ltd was transferred over to HMS
Industrial Networks Ltd.
HMS plan to continue to deliver site-based and scheduled training courses for both PROFIBUS and PROFINET. They also intend to provide support on both technologies.
HMS Networks Inc.
Ian Tracy
35 E Wacker Dr.
60601 Chicago, IL
United States
Phone: +1 312 829 0601
Email: iatr(at)hms(dot)se
Web: hms-networks.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
HMS Networks Middle East
Sameer Ahamed
Media City
25906 Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971582091229
Email: saah(at)hms(dot)se
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
HMS Industrial Networks AB is an international company in the field of Industrial Information and Communication Technology. HMS is headquartered in Halmstad, Sweden, and is listed on the Nasdaq Nordic stock exchange. At HMS, we believe that connecting matters, in everything from making devices, machines, and systems talk, to engaging actively with our customers. Our state-of-the-art technology connects millions of industrial devices all over the world — in automation systems as well as in innovative IIoT applications.
HMS Networks Middle East offers both scheduled and onsite training courses as well as site support services. The practical hands-on learning involves fully equipped training rigs with a maximum batch of six participants. This approach allows for personalized attention, hands-on exercises, and an immersive learning environment.
For detailed information and dates please reach out to the above contacts.
HMS Technology Center B.V.
Mr. Fedor Meyer
Vlasmarkt 1
3011 PW Rotterdam
Phone: +31-174-671800
Email: training.nl(at)hms-networks(dot)com
Web: www.hms-networks.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
HMS Technology Center B.V. is an independant company, that concentrates all its products and services on PROFIBUS and PROFINET technology. Our main business is the export of products and the world wide support of end-users.
The technology and innovative solutions offered by our diverse business portfolio enable our customers to successfully participate in the world of Industrial Automation. We take pride in possessing in-depth knowledge of fieldbus requirements in Factory and Process automation and the expertise to create innovative solutions for these areas.
HMS Technology Center B.V. is very successful with its training program. Up to now, more than 4,000 trainees have received a certificate. The costs incurred for engineering, assembly, commissioning and maintenance always play a key role when choosing a fieldbus. We train our attendees that the implementation of PROFIBUS can help to cut costs in all areas. Our practical experience is the key factor!
"We are a specialist when it comes down to complete solutions with PROFIBUS and PROFINET." -
IDX Industrial Data Xchange
Bruce Bean
1 Weaver Street, Fourways
2055 Johannesburg
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 548 9960
Fax: +27 11 465 88 90
Email: bruceb(at)idx.co(dot)za
Web: www.idx.co.za
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
The IDX Academy operates the PROFIBUS and PROFINET Competence Centre of Southern Africa which is responsible for running PROFIBUS & PROFINET International's Certified courses in Southern Africa.
Training normally takes place at our offices in Fourways, Johannesburg. On-site training via arrangement is possible. For more information contact the IDX Academy (academy@idx.co.za) or visit www.idx.co.za. -
Inatel - Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicacoes
Alexandre Baratella Lugli
Joao de Carmargo Avenue, 510 - Inatel
37540-000 Santa Rita do Sapucai - MG
Phone: +55 (35) 3471 9200
Fax: +55 (35) 3471 9314
Email: baratella(at)inatel(dot)br
Web: www.inatel.br
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
INATEL (Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações) is an advanced research institute (university) in telecommunications systems and communication protocols. It was founded in 1965, being the first telecommunication engineering course in Latin America. In addition, it has a sector dedicated to providing services and solutions to the market, called ICC (Inatel Competence Center). This sector relates to companies, institutes, universities and other partners, in order to develop solutions, hardware, software, training development, certifications, product testing (EMC / EMI / calibration) and other services.
Indu-Sol GmbH
Janine Gabler
Blumenstraße 3
04626 Schmölln
Phone: +49 34491 580-0
Fax: +49 34491 580-499
Email: janine.gabler(at)indu-sol(dot)com
Web: www.indu-sol.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Indu-Sol GmbH provides solutions that ensure industrial automation systems running the fieldbus- and industrial Ethernet technology function properly. Our mission is the objective evaluation of the quality of industrial data communication. In order to ensure the continuous functioning of automated systems we developed a complete system solution for Permanent Network Monitoring (PNM) with the goal of sending a warning before a system is down. As a key partner in practical application, we also support our customers in all areas from planning and commissioning to maintenance and troubleshooting in a variety of networks such as PROFIBUS, PROFINET, CAN, ASi and many more. Furthermore, Indu-Sol has been busy transferring all of its knowledge to its customers world-wide using seminars, metrological measurements, technical support and webinars.
Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institution
Ms. Xu Minghui
100055 Beijing
Phone: +86 10 6328 2680
Fax: +86 10 6326 2680
Email: xuminghui(at)pi-china.org(dot)cn
Web: pi-china.org.cn
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
INTEX Sp. z o.o.
Pietro Zappa
ul. Portowa 4
44- 102 Gliwice
Phone: 0048 32 2307516
Fax: 0048 32 2307517
Email: intex(at)intex.com(dot)pl
Web: www.intex.com.pl
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
JCOM Automation Inc.
James Powell
1115 Whitefield Dr.
K9J-7P4 Peterborough, Ontario
Phone: +1 705 868-8745
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
JCOM Automation Inc. is Canada’s PROFIBUS and PROFINET experts!
We provide general PROFIBUS and PROFINET training – both certified and un-certified. Our most popular courses are our 2 day PROFIBUS or PROFINET Troubleshooting and Maintenance course. These courses are aimed at maintenance people. We have scheduled classes and are also available for on-site training as well.
We also provide general network consulting.
Training Classes:- Certified PROFINET Network Engineering class
- Certified PROFIBUS DP and PA Network Engineering class
- 2 day PROFINET Troubleshooting and Maintenance class
- 2 day PROFIBUS Troubleshooting and Maintenance class
How to have a successful PROFIBUS and PROFINET project
For a full schedule of our training and seminars please see www.jcomautomation.ca/training/ -
PHOENIX CONTACT Competence Center
Wolfgang Reich
Dringenauer Straße 30
31812 Bad Pyrmont
Phone: +49-5281-946-2157
Fax: +49-5281-946-2199
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Phoenix Contact Pty Ltd
John Ortika
Unit 7, 2-8 South Street
2226 Rydalmere NSW
Phone: +61 1300 786 411
Fax: +61 1300 723 399
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Profi Interface Center - PIC -
Torsten Paulsen
One Internet Plaza
37604 Johnson City, TN
United States
Phone: +1 423 262-2576
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
The PROFI Interface Center (PIC), in conjunction with PI North America, offers Certified Network Engineer and Installer Classes in Johnson City, TN since 1999. Students successfully passing both the theoretical and practical tests at the end of the certified course will receive a Certificate and are eligible to be listed on the PI website as a Certified Network Engineer and Installer. These comprehensive multi-day programs provide deep insight into the workings of PROFINET or PROFIBUS.
For more information, please contact the PROFI Interface Center or email CertifiedTrainingManager(at)pinorthamerica(dot)com at PI North America.
Further details about the classes can be found here:
https://us.profinet.com/training/classroom-training/ -
Dr. Hassan Kaghazchi
Pars House, Mountshannon Raod, Lisnagry
V94Y3K0 Limerick
Phone: +35 361 240240
Email: info(at)profibus(dot)ie
Web: www.profibus.ie
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
RP Ingenieria Limitada
Rodrigo Pinto Cardenas
Tucapel 91 Of. 52
Phone: 0056 41 2522592
Fax: 0056 41 2522592
Email: rodrigopinto(at)rpingenieria(dot)com
Web: www.rpingenieria.com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
SITRAIN Training Academy Mannheim, RC-DE DI CS TA 2
Maria Sainz
Dynamostraße 4
68165 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 17232409
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Softing Industrial Automation GmbH
Stefan Krimmer
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6
85540 Haar
Phone: +49-89-4 56 56-0
Fax: +49-89-4 56 56-488
Email: picc(at)softing(dot)com
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Softing offers PROFIBUS trainings.
A technology by itself does not yet present a feasible automation solution. Thats why we want to provide automation engineers with knowledge to find concrete solutions to practical issues. The structure of the Softing training courses aims at the typical demand of the different target groups - people involved in decision-making and in practical use. To optimally take into account the different requirements and starting positions, Softing offers courses with different concepts:- basic seminars providing a general overview of a technology or product
- specific advanced seminars for experts in all the different fields
- customized seminars ? even down to project support.
Our lecturers present knowledge that reflects their thorough experience and expertise. It gives you an immediate advantage in your project work.
Apart from presenting knowledge, another important part of the seminar is to provide practical experience. Therefore we limit the number of participants to 6-8 persons.
Topics, locations and dates, you can find on our website.Available Instructors:
- Stefan Krimmer
TGN Project Services Ltd
Timothy Beech
5 Ainsdale Drive, Priorslee
TF2 9QJ Telford
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)7701058203
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
WESTCON Instrumentacao Industrial Ltda
Erik Faustino Maran
Rua Alvaro Rodrigues, 288
04582-000 Sao Paulo - SP
Phone: +55 11 5561-7488
Fax: +55 11 5093-2292
Email: erik(at)wii(dot)com(dot)br
Web: www.wii.com.br
Certified for these Competence Areas
- Certified PROFIBUS Engineer
- Certified PROFIBUS Installer
- Certified PROFIBUS Designer
- Certified PROFIBUS PA Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Engineer
- Certified PROFINET Installer
- Certified PROFINET PA Engineer
Since 1994 WESTCON offers the industry products and solutions that incorporate the latest
technologies available globally, coupled with enhanced after-sales and technical support
It is recognized as a pioneer in performing Network Analysis, Diagnosis, Troubleshooting and
Certification services through a technical staff composed of trained and certified engineers in
competence centers in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, Belgium and
Italy, in the following modalities. Certified PROFIBUS Engineer (CPE), Certified PROFIBUS
Installer (CPI), Certified PROFINET Engineer (CPNE), Functional Safety Engineer (TÜV) and,
more recently, ISA / IEC 62443 Cybersecurity Expert.
The PICC has portable demo cases and a demo wall with more than 50 devices.
We are offering the following special services:
Technical consulting for PROFIBUS DP/PA and PROFINET projects.
Audit and troubleshooting of PROFIBUS DP/PA and PROFINET installations in various plants
(pulp&paper, steel mills, offshore platforms, car manufacturers, oil refineries, food processing,