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PROFINET Test Bundle



The PROFINET test bundle supports the development of PROFINET interfaces for field devices and controllers. It can be used as a means for preparation of the mandatory certification tests.

This bundle contains:
RT-Tester (ART),
IRT-Tester (SPIRTA),
Security Level 1 Tester,
Test Specification PN devices,
PN Specification,
all PN relevant Guidelines,
Test cases for all RT-/IRT-/Security Level 1- tests,
GSDML specification and

The goal of this test system is to have all the necessary documents and test systems for RT and IRT and Security Level 1 (NetLoad) combined in one bundle with all the electronic test cases to be performed during a certification test.



Version 2024-07-30 (V2.45.0)

This test bundle V2.45.0 R shall be used for certification testing of PROFINET devices and/or a controllers of ConformanceClasses A and B and devices of ConformanceClass C. With this release, device and controller certification are fully based on the Embedded Test System (ETS). It also covers certification tests for SecurityClass 1.

The latest state of PA Profile 4 and APL tests for device certification is included as well.

Conformance Class D and RSI testing are in preparation. In addition to the official test bundle, a separate trial bundle with the pilot versions of other test cases and the latest state of development is available. This allows developers to gain early experience with new test cases and technologies. You will find this trial version here: 

PROFINET TRIAL Test Bundle (including ETS, TSN and PA)


temp_accepted_behavior document

This document describes the situation about special behaviors of some devices that are accepted in an interim period and are not accepted in later versions any more. This document may be updated when new such behaviors are detected or tests are updated.


Expected timelines for test bundles


BOT (Begin Of Test)  V2.44:         August 25, 2023

EOT (End Of Test)     V2.44:         November 30, 2024


BOT (Begin Of Test)  V2.45:         August 05, 2024

EOT (End Of Test)     V2.45:         November 30, 2025*

 * Expected, but not yet decided! Shifts in planning and timeline will be communicated here


The Readme of the PROFINET Test Bundle is downloadable for everyone here:

Readme of PROFINET Test Bundle



Texas Instruments is offering the AM65x industrial development kit (IDK) which is part of the PI's test and certification environment.

For additional information click the link bellow:



For support or feedback, please contact PN-TS-Support(at)profinet(dot)com


Need help getting started with ETS?

Klick the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NywqVXHJIBE


This area is for members only. Please login to access this download.
# Date Filename Type Size
09/08/2024 2024-07-30_PN-Test_V2450.zip zip 1 GB
13/08/2024 temp_accepted_behavior.pdf pdf 140 KB
18/10/2023 PROFINET_Certification-Take_ETS_into_operation.pdf pdf 455 KB

The downloads section on profibus.com offers a wealth of valuable resources that are essential for companies working in industrial automation. These documents, including technical descriptions, installation guides, and white papers, provide detailed insights into the implementation and use of PROFIBUS and PROFINET technologies. By accessing these resources, engineers and technical teams can significantly improve their understanding and efficiency in deploying robust, standardized communication solutions in industrial environments.

For companies looking to gain even more from the PROFIBUS ecosystem, becoming a member of PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) offers additional benefits. Members enjoy exclusive access to advanced technical documentation, expert certification programs, and development tools that can accelerate innovation and ensure compliance with the latest industry standards. Membership also provides networking opportunities with other industry leaders, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, which is crucial in staying ahead in the fast-evolving automation landscape.

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