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FDI Tools & Components


For integration of FDI in field devices, the cross-protocol Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides device manufacturers with a tool for easy development of FDI Device Packages for their various PROFIBUS, PROFINET, FF H1, and HART device versions based on a uniform development process. The FDI IDE also provides an easy, reliable conversion of existing EDD files into corresponding FDI Device Packages. Additionally, a runtime environment in the FDI IDE and the Device Package Test Tool gives developers a platform for extensive testing of newly developed Device Packages, which ensures their quality and conformity with the FDI standard already during the development phase.

Device Packages are integrated in FDI hosts. So that Device Packages behave the same in different host systems, uniform "Host Components" were developed and made available to host manufacturers: The UI Engine for display of the components UID and UIP versions, and the EDD Engine for support of the EDDL versions with backward compatibility.

For further information about how to get the FDI Device Package IDE, please contact Dr. Peter Wenzel (peter.wenzelprofibus.com).

The downloads section on profibus.com offers a wealth of valuable resources that are essential for companies working in industrial automation. These documents, including technical descriptions, installation guides, and white papers, provide detailed insights into the implementation and use of PROFIBUS and PROFINET technologies. By accessing these resources, engineers and technical teams can significantly improve their understanding and efficiency in deploying robust, standardized communication solutions in industrial environments.

For companies looking to gain even more from the PROFIBUS ecosystem, becoming a member of PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) offers additional benefits. Members enjoy exclusive access to advanced technical documentation, expert certification programs, and development tools that can accelerate innovation and ensure compliance with the latest industry standards. Membership also provides networking opportunities with other industry leaders, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, which is crucial in staying ahead in the fast-evolving automation landscape.

By joining PI, companies position themselves at the forefront of industrial communication technology, ensuring they remain competitive and well-equipped to tackle future challenges.

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